Newsletter Archive — May 2022

It’s basically summer already here! Or at least it feels like it–we were able to open up the house for a whole four hours yesterday before it got too hot. I’ve been spending my time catching up on things, preparing for the WriteHive conference in June, and working with my incredible mentee on her story, as well as doing all those little housekeeping things that get swept to the side until there’s time to address them–by which time they’ve become a mountain, more often than not! So I’ll keep this short and sweet today.

I love hearing from you, so if there’s anything in particular you’d love to see in these newsletters, just reach out and let me know!


I recently finished Thiago Abdalla’s A Touch of Light, and it was fantastic. Intriguing worldbuilding, a soft magic system that nonetheless feels rational behind the scenes, multiple points of view from various locations and parts of society, and politics–lots of politics. I’m not actually sure I followed all the politics but I enjoyed it immensely nonetheless. Pick it up–I highly recommend it!

I’m currently reading Justine Manzano’s The Skeleton Key and I love it, too! It’s a perfect complement to The Order of the Key, continuing the series a year down the road, and oh, the characters. The depth of the writing is tearing my heart apart for Kyp and Jacklyn. Definitely check it out as well if you’re in the mood for YA superhero-style contemporary fantasy with kick-butt, mouthy characters!
Looking for more to read?

The Hatching by Liesel K Hill

What if a dragon looked into your eyes…and saw into your soul?

Wenlyn dreams of seeing one of the legendary Harpy’s Servants up close. As a poor village boy, he can’t help but dream of the adventures the dragon-riding protectors of the realm must have. Now one of them has come to Tranquil village.

With the Servant’s arrival, Wenlyn’s entire world falls away. He’s about to embark on an adventure of his own that even his wildest dreams couldn’t have conjured up.

Soar the skies with Wenlyn in this short prequel to Dragon Magic, an epic fantasy series. First volume to be released in 2020.

Get The Hatching

Stranger in a Strange Land Sale

This is a collection of books where the main character travels to a strange new world. Maybe they’re a foreigner or immigrant of some kind, whether an alien or even a dwarf living in elvish lands. Regardless, these characters must meet difficulties to understand and fit in with the local society. Adaptation, culture shock, and differences abound. Check them out and get whisked away!

Stranger in a Strange Land

Dreaming of a Place Sale

Continuing this theme of travel and discovery, there’s also the Dreaming of a Place sale, whisking the reader away to even more incredible worlds.
Dreaming of a Place

Newsletter freebie

Today’s freebie is …. a character quiz!
I made a quiz for all the main characters and some of the side characters of both Windward and the Children of the Nexus series. If you’re someone who enjoys being sorted with these personality quizzes, this is for you! Feel free to take it multiple times to see who you get, and share your results with friends!
Which Character Are You?

Powerful, flawed characters. Organic magic. Immersive worlds.

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Here are some handy links if you want to review Windward on:

or Indie Story Geek.
Here are some handy links if you want to review Between Starfalls on:

or Indie Story Geek.
Here are some handy links if you want to review Let Loose the Fallen on:

or Indie Story Geek.
Copyright © 2022 S. Kaeth, All rights reserved.

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